Decker is committed to helping our Professional Drivers and Owner/Operators stay informed and educated about COVID-19 and assisting those who might be affected.

First and foremost – – thank you our Decker Professional Drivers for your commitment and dedication in keeping the supply chain moving throughout America during this state of emergency.  You are the lifeline to society and it is critically important that we work together to meet the needs of the public in a SAFE and efficient manner. The daily news surrounding Covid-19/Coronavirus continues to put pressure on the entire world.  We are seeing growing concern in our communities, businesses, and the world at-large; and at a time when there are more questions than answers, we want to take a minute to ensure you, our Decker Professional Drivers, of our commitment and ability to serve you and our customers.

We are closely monitoring the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.  Decker is committed to helping our Professional Drivers and Owner/Operators stay informed and educated about COVID-19 and assisting those who might be affected.


As we have previously advised, just use common sense:

  • Practice social distancing
  • Wash your hands with soap often
  • Use hand sanitizer often
  • Sanitize with disinfectant wipes often
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue or your elbow
  • Try to keep from touching your face
  • If you feel sick, following the very important steps below


If you think you have been exposed to the virus or think you may have it, the directives we’ve received are to call or email a Telehealth Doctor or your Primary Care Physician.  They have a screening process and will determine if you need to be sent in to a designated spot for a test to determine if you have the virus. They are not advising anyone go to an Emergency Room as they are not equipped for testing for the virus there and by going to the ER you would end up unnecessarily exposing others.

We at Decker offer MeMD (a telehealth option) for employees on our health plan (no charge) as well as those who are not on the Decker health plan ($67 charge).  If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, you can reach out to a MeMD provider from anywhere for medical advice and direction. Seeing a MeMD provider from your home or truck will help you avoid crowded waiting rooms where germs are easily spread.  If the MeMD doctor recommends that you get tested, care instructions will be provided and MeMD Care Coordination will help you find a testing facility. The CDC will cover the cost for the diagnostic test for COVID-19; please be aware that there may still be facility or hospital charges that will still apply to member’s deductible/out-of-pocket.  CDC states that only the sickest patients need live, in-person/office care. The majority of people without additional risk factors (recent travel or other medical ailments) will be able to recover at home and don’t need to be tested right away. To start a visit go here: or call: 1-855-MEMD-NOW (1-855-636-3669).  They ask for an authorization code, check your email for details.  You can also use MeMD for other non-emergency ailments as well.


  • If testing is recommended, you need to follow instructions immediately and cannot be allowed to work until you get a negative result back.  If the test is positive, you will be required to self-quarantine and may not return to work until cleared to do so by a doctor. For our Professional Drivers, this means in your truck or at home.  If the test is negative you can return to work as soon as you feel physically able.
  • If testing is not recommended but you are still sick/symptomatic, you do still need to self-isolate in until symptoms improve and you are fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  • If you are not sick but believe you have been exposed, call MeMD or your Primary Care Physician to see if you need to be tested and follow the steps above.

To stay up-to-date on COVID-19 visit the CDC Website:

Also, in response to FMCSA issuing Hours of Service relief for coronavirus assistance – – you need to operate as normal in compliance with the HOS regulations.  If we have a load that meets the criteria for the waiver of the regulations under the emergency declaration, you will be notified.

If you have questions, please call our Health & Benefits Manager, Andrea at 2350 or our Director of HR, Courtney at 2340.  Also notify us immediately if any of the above situations occur.

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