Chicken Alfredo Pizza

Pizza at its core is bread with cheese and sauce. That is the canvas to work from, making changes in order to create a masterpiece. The wonderful thing about making pizza is there is no “wrong” way (Even though those from Chicago and New York would disagree). I have seen more and more pizza modeled on a sandwich or other type of meal available all over the country. From no-carb crust to designer-style crust and all types between. With all this said, I enjoy making pizza in my truck. It’s cheaper and always fresh when you want it. Plus, it’s always made the way you want. The latter is hard to find sometimes.

This brings me to my next recipe in our Truck’d Up cooking series, my version of Chicken Alfredo Pizza. This is a simplified recipe to take into account prep time and ingredients needed. Feel free to add or subtract anything you want to make it your own. All of these ingredients are easily obtained at any major grocery store or market.

Chicken Alfredo Pizza

For cooking equipment, you will need an air fryer or at the least a toaster oven. The size of said equipment is not important to the recipe. However, just make sure your crust will fit properly in the cooking area.

You will need:

Precooked pizza crust of your liking

Your favorite alfredo sauce

Precooked chicken (perfect use for leftover chicken)

Green pepper (diced)

Onion (diced)

Your favorite pizza cheese (mozzarella works best for this recipe)

Olive oil

Garlic powder

Salt and pepper

Here are some additional ingredients to try:

Steamed broccoli chunks


Black olives (this really adds an interesting flavor that works well with the sauce)

Here is the process:

Pre-heat to 375. Remove crust from packaging and drizzle olive oil on the crust. Spread with the back of a spoon or brush if you have one. Sprinkle garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste. Apply your alfredo sauce to the crust bringing it nearly to the edge. Put your chicken and veggies on next making sure it’s not more than one layer. Lightly drizzle more olive oil and cover with cheese, again, nearly to the edge. Your baking time will vary depending on the size of your pizza as well as the size of your equipment. However, as a general rule 8-10 minutes is about what it takes. You’re looking for your cheese to be golden.

I hope you try this recipe and have fun making it your own! Happy cooking and stay safe out there.

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