Driver Appreciation Week #MMLIVE – Why We Are Thankful for Our Drivers

Driver Appreciation Week #MMLIVE Sept 10th, 2018

Every day our drivers are out on the road making sacrifices for all of us. They are hardworking, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, grandmas or grandpas, aunts and uncles. They are our loved ones, making sure we are being taken care of.

Why I’m Thankful for Truck Drivers

Andrea shared a reminder of what a driver sacrifices on a daily basis to provide for not only their family’s personal needs but all of our needs (and wants). Here is a snip-it:

Imagine not being able to leave your office for 8-10 hours and then being required to sleep in your office at the end of the day. Imagine not being able to shower or do your laundry when you want. Imagine eating your meals alone and only seeing your family once every week or two – if that. Imagine having to miss out on your kids’ games, school programs, and even birthdays and holidays because you’re at work. THAT is the life of a truck driver.”

There are over a dozen reasons on our recent Facebook post “I’m Thankful for Truck Drivers because…”

When you take time, please read it. As a driver, I hope it warms your heart to know that we DO appreciate all you do for us. Others, I hope the post not only reminds you of why you are grateful for a truck driver but encourages you to also share your gratitude.

Our #MMLIVE was a fun one, there was a lot of visiting, story telling, testimonials, encouraging and, of course, opportunities discussed. I didn’t even realize how long we were going. That’ll happen when you get together to catch up. Thank you all you joined it for the fun. You can watch that here:

And…CONGRATS to the winners of the Video Contest we held. I’ll be sharing some of those videos in the next few weeks. So, be on the lookout for them. We decided that there are FOUR winners of the $100 Walmart Gift Cards. Congratulations to:

Berta Barnett 

James Cleveland

Wade Bland

Chad Hazelton

Happy Driver Appreciation Week to ALL the Professional Drivers out on the road. Don’t forget, our Decker drivers can get their driver appreciation gifts at the terminals. Talk to you driver manager or get ahold of Darin or Jason.
Continue to drive safe, drive Decker.

Written By: Jesse Butler

Jesse Butler is a driver recruiter for Decker Truck Line. She has worked within the trucking industry for over a decade. You can contact her at 406.203.4413. 

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