Our Heros Out On The Road

Last week during our Facebook LIVE, we spoke a lot about going the extra mile. It’s no surprise to me that there are several Decker drivers who have gone over and beyond to not only help someone but it amazes me that many of those in our Decker family have gone on to save lives.

Whether you are coming up on an accident and you pull over to make the initial response call or you are in the trenches pulling people out of vehicles to get them free from the dangers they are in, we are all very thankful for your actions.

I imagine it’s quite overwhelming for those having gone through the devastation, but no doubt they, too, are thankful for you. As news of hurricane Florence and the damage it has created engulfs our news stations, know there are people out there making a difference and helping others.

If you know of someone who deserves a shout out or kudos for an act of kindness, please, share with us so we can recognize them. According to Robert Cialdini’s book Influence, studies show that the more often we hear negative news the more likely it will insite even more negative actions. The reverse is also true; the more positive actions or reactions we have influences others’ behavior, causing them to conduct themselves in an Utopian, encouraging, manner. Let’s create a revolution against negative news and cultivate positivity.  Share with us your act of kindness.

Submit your stories to marketing@deckermail.com

Jesse Butler is a driver recruiter for Decker Truck Line. She has worked within the trucking industry for over a decade. You can contact her at 406.203.4413. 

Apply directly to Decker Truck Line at www.DriveDecker.com

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