Sept 17th, 2018 #MMLIVE Brake Inspection Blitz 2018 and Richmond, VA Dedicated Update

Sept 17th, 2018 #MMLIVE Brake Inspection Blitz 2018 and Richmond, VA Dedicated Update

We dove right into this week’s Monday Minute Live, #MMLIVE, discussing this month’s Brake Inspection Blitz that runs from the 16th to the 22nd of September.

A safety message went out over the Qualcomm on Friday reminding everyone to conduct thorough pre-trip inspections and to be sure and check all brake components.

According to the CVSA, any vehicle with defective or out-of-adjustment brakes will be placed out of service. The Inspection Blitz will focus on brake safety, meaning, aside from the level 1 inspection, the focus will be on brake components, “loose or missing parts, air and fluid leaks, defective or worn equipment and components, and required brake-system warning devices”.

Be Prepared For A Roadside Inspection

  • complete a thorough pre-trip inspection
  • fix defective or inoperative equipment immediately
  • wear a seat-belt
  • obey the speed limit
  • avoid aggressive driving, like erratic lane changes, tailgating or hopping lanes
  • stay off the phone while driving
  • be well-rested, groomed and cleanly dressed
  • conduct a thorough post-trip inspection


Also addressed during on #MMLIVE, our Richmond Dedicated position pay has been updated. It is now daily pay of $220 with a guarantee of 5 days on even if the customer does not have 5 days of work for you (5 on, 2 off schedule). It is not a Monday through Friday position, but will get you home every other day.

For even more details, you can contact a recruiter at 888-668-0698 or apply directly online at


Written By: Jesse Butler

Jesse Butler is a driver recruiter for Decker Truck Line. She has worked within the trucking industry for over a decade. You can contact her at 406.203.4413. 

Apply directly to Decker Truck Line at

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