An Act of Kindness

Just a day after the devastating Marshalltown, Iowa tornado on July 19th, Decker Professional Driver, Michael Massey was routed to Marshalltown to pick up a load. Despite the events of the previous day, he was told he would still be able to pick up his load Friday night; unfortunately, plans changed, and he was unable to get the load until the following Monday.

Upset that he wouldn’t be getting home for the weekend like he’d originally planned, Michael jumped out of his truck and went for a walk. However, Michael said his feelings changed once he reached the most devastated areas of Marshalltown on his walk. “I may have lost two days, but these people had lost everything.”

Without a second thought, Michael immediately began to pitch in and help with clean up wherever he could and spent his entire weekend volunteering in Marshalltown.

Thank you, Michael, for your selfless acts of kindness! We are all very proud of you!


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