Importance of Driver’s Health and Wellness

This last year has truly brought a huge awareness about our nation’s truck drivers.

The general public now recognizes the NEED we have for the hard-working individuals. However, there is still unknown, even within the industry, of the sacrifices and struggles that truck drivers have. 

There are many aspects of health and wellness. No matter who you are, I'm sure your struggling in one area or the other. It might be hard to admit for some of us, but it's nothing to be ashamed of. Here at Decker, we provide EAP through UNUM life balance, which is a confidential resource for you and your family to use.

One of the number one sacrifices is a driver’s health.

There are many aspects of health and wellness. No matter who you are, I’m sure you’re struggling in one area or the other. It might be hard to admit for some of us, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Here at Decker, we provide EAP through UNUM life balance, which is a confidential resource for you and your family to use. ( or call 800.854.1446)

Let’s talk about your mental health. Anxiety and depression can have a drastic affect on your overal health.

7 Steps to help improve your mental health:

– Write in a daily gratitude journal. List atleast 3 things in your professional and personal life you appreciate.

– Stay positive. Look at the bright side of a situation.

– Make a plan for the day, for the year. What are your goals? Write them out. State how you are going to achieve them. 

– Take care of yourself with getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals and getting in some physical exercise.

– Interact with others. When you are at a shipper or receiver, ask them how their day is going. Take a minute to socialize, even if it’s online. Connecting with others can help reduce stress.

– Laugh and smile. Do it. Make yourself smile. Think of something that makes you laugh or smile. Smiles are contagious. Give someone else a smile.

– Listen to music. celebrate your accomplishments. When you reach a goal, a milestone, or a destination, enjoy the experience.

Your mental health is important to your everyday life. It is important to take care of your mental well-being. Start by writing down 3 things in your daily life you appreciate. Stand positive, and have a goal for the day. Make a plan for the year, and list your goals down. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Interact with your coworkers, and mingle with them whenever possible (of course, staying Covid compliant). 

Find a hobby you can do out on the road. It helps break up your day, and improve your well-being. You should also try to interact with others. Interacting with others can stimulate your cognitive functions and mental performance. Laughter is important for the resolution of physical stress, as it can boost one’s immune system. Keep listening to music that makes you feel better all day, every day.

Truckers are often mentally exhausted due to long periods of driving and heavy traffic congestion on major highways. Stress can be reduced by finding a hobby you are interested in.

It is vital for each of us to get enough sleep each night. Physical exercise is good for your cardiovascular health. Stretches help with mobility and injury prevention. Having proper nutrition will improve weight loss and overall health. Meal planning can help reduce stress and improve your nutrition. Use the tips to live a healthier, happier life.

There can also be a number of factors that initiate these struggles. One of the main factors, lack of sleep.

Sleep is vital!

In fact, Medical News Today was quoted, “Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person’s overall health and well-being. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day. Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration.”

For your health, your mental health, get some rest.

Call Unum at 800.854.1446  to speak to someone about anxiety or depression.

Does any of that sound familiar?   

According to Sleep Association, “Sleep deprivation can lead to many consequences. Without an adequate amount sleep, our minds and bodies are unable to perform at their peak. There are several potentially bad outcomes that are associated with inadequate sleep. Sleep influences the immune system, memory consolidation, attention, hunger, mood, response time, and many other body functions.” 

So what causes sleep deprivation?


Stress can be caused by a number of things, such as work, family, relationships, or personal health. Stress often occurs because people feel that they have too many responsibilities and take on too much. It is important to manage your stress levels through simple lifestyle changes.

A large percentage of people report they are stressed out -all the time – even when they don’t think about their stresses.

If you need help, reach out to our EAP Life Balance program through Unum at 800-854-1446. 

Unum Life Balance can help you with a variety of needs, such as:

-Health and Wellness

-Estate Planning 

-College Planning Assistance 

-Personal Lines of Insurance (Fire, Auto, Homeowners) 

-Health and Wellness|A few examples of programs offered include: financial assistance with the cost of chronic conditions like arthritis or cholesterol; life insurance for people who work in high-risk industries like construction and provide information on how to obtain long term disability insurance; and assistance with college planning for current students.

Getting a good night/days sleep is important to truck drivers’ safety and health. Sleep-deprived people do not recognize how poorly they are performing: they tend to think they are doing better than they are. We do schedule our loads with enough time for adequate rest. If you are struggling with time management and properly utilizing your clock. Please, reach out to us for help. Your health is important. You are important. You’re worth it.

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