Inside the Triangle: Elaine Schlick

Orientation Instructor, Elaine Schlick

Meet Elaine Schlick, Driver Trainer and Orientation Instructor, on this week’s episode of Inside the Triangle.  Elaine joins host, Darin Ladlie, to explore Driver Orientation at Decker Truck Line.  They walk through, day by day, the first week that Drivers join the Decker Team and how they help to prepare them to get out on the road.  And, once seated in a truck, the connection doesn’t end; Elaine and the Driver Orientation Team are always willing and able to help, answer questions and give guidance to ensure a successful career here at DTL!

Meet Elaine Schlick, Driver Trainer and Orientation Instructor, on this week’s episode of Inside the Triangle.  Elaine joins host, Darin Ladlie, to explore Driver Orientation at Decker Truck Line.  They walk through, day by day, the first week that Drivers join the Decker Team and how they help to prepare them to get out on the road.

Don’t forget, on an upcoming podcast we will be featuring a special guest, a DOT Officer.  Please submit any questions you may have that you’d like shared with the Officer.  Send your questions to


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WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!  If you have any topic suggestions or questions you want answered or discussed on an upcoming podcast, e-mail them to  Or, you can create a voice memo on your smart phone and e-mail it to

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