SmartDrive Event Recorders

Trucks are equipped with both outward and inward facing event recorders. While the company encourages the use of both outward and inward facing event records for the protection of both the driver and the company, as well as to provide coaching for our professional drivers, drivers may request that their inward facing event recorder is deactivated under the following conditions:

  1. Driver has not had a preventable cargo claim in the last 120 days.
  2. Driver as not accumulated any CSA points in the last 120 days.
  3. Driver has not been involved in a preventable accident or preventable incident in the last 120 days.
  4. Drivers who exhibit behavior that causes safety concerns, as determined by the Safety Department, may not be eligible to have their inward facing even recorder deactivated.

When requesting the inward facing even recorder to be deactivated, this must be approved by and performed by the Decker Safety Department.

Drivers new to Decker Truck Line will have their inward facing even recorder enabled for their first 120 days of solo operation. After 120 days and subject to the above criteria, Drivers may request that their inward facing even recorder be deactivated.

To aid you in understanding your driving style and help you identify opp-ortunities to improve your safe driving, SmartDrive has developed the Response Center for Drivers. The website provides you with up-to-date insights on your performance and provides recommendations where you can improve your skills. Contact the safety department with login details.  

From there, you can view your safety score and the company safety score goal.

You also have access to “View my performance” and from there ‘My driving performance”, “Driving skills” where you can tap on individual occurrences to view details.

If you need additional help or if you have feedback or comments, please call Patrice or Michelle in safety at exts. 2335 or 2317.

Thank you for all your efforts to make you and the company “Driven to be the best”.

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